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Hello Monday

These weekends just go by so quickly, don't they?

I've said it before, and it's still true, but Mondays aren't as horrible to me now that I'm not working. It DOES mean that Chris leaves us to go back to work all week (and honestly we would prefer him home!) but it's nice to get back to our weekday routine.

Baby boy seems to have caught a little bit of a cold yesterday. I've been giving him Hyland's Tiny Cold Tablets, which seem to be helping, so I'm hoping I can beat that cold before it gets too yucky! Babies and snotty noses never mix well.

Saturday evening Chris and I finally hired a babysitter and went out for our first true date night! You guys, it was SO FUN! We went ocean kayaking and then out to this cute little Italian place. I had the most amazing Linguni Nere. It was black linguini (I believe from octopus ink) with scallops, leeks and shrimp in a cream sauce. It was SO delicious.

Before our date, we decided that we should get a waterproof camera for our kayaking tour. So off to Rite Aid I went. I was just going to get one of those disposable waterproof ones, but there was a digital one that was only a dollar more! So I got that one. There are all these settings you can put it on, so I set it all up and it was ready to go before we left. The thing is, it's tiny, so you can't ACTUALLY see the pictures are taking after you take them (like a normal digital camera) so it wasn't until I downloaded them last night that I realized this camera sucks! Like the pictures are blurry and have very low resolution and honestly, I never should have bought this camera. I want my $25 back!

This is what we got:

I won't make the pictures any bigger than this, because if I did they would be so blurry you'd hardly be able to make them out. I mean, seriously!? Isn't this 2016? Aren't we past the quality of these photos? Needless to say, I don't think this camera is worth hanging onto.

If you look closely, you can see that we actually did see dolphins while we were out there. We saw two different pods! It was so awesome! They actually were pretty close to us which was so cool to watch!

(Selfie from dinner that IS worth keeping -- kinda, I mean I had no make-up on because we came directly from kayaking and we flipped the boat as we came into shore, so I threw this sundress on in attempt to be ready to go out to eat since showering wasn't an option. This is real life, guys!)

Anyway, yesterday we celebrated Chris and his Dad awesomeness. It was ridiculously hot here (like 96 degrees) so we pretty much stayed inside all day and kept cool. We had a BBQ with some neighbors, and Max gave Chris a Papa Bear shirt for Fathers Day. I tried to give Chris the day off as best as I could, but honestly, I failed because Chris is so selfless and always helps before I can even tell him to sit and relax. I wanted to wake up early and get Max up (he does this every morning) and let him sleep in, but he heard Max before I did, and the next thing I knew, it was 7:15 and Max at been up for almost an hour with Chris. He did all the dishes after dinner, and he mowed the lawn and sprayed out the baby pool and water table. I made sure he got plenty of beer and was allowed to watch all the baseball he wanted, though! I also made him a raspberry cobbler, so I think he made out pretty well. What a wonderful father he is!

And now that June is 2/3 over (uh what?) I guess I need to start getting serious about cleaning up and cleaning out before our PCS! How was your weekend?

PS: THANK YOU for all of the sweet comments you left me on my honest post last week. It made me feel so much better knowing that others have felt the same way and that it's normal! You guys are the best! XO



Hi! I'm Katie. I'm a Momma and a wife and I like to write down my thoughts here. I have a constant goal of thriving (rather than just surviving) as I navigate  my way through my marriage and motherhood. I'm not always successful, but I'd love your company as I learn to

Navigate & Thrive! 

Catch up with me!

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