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Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Every year I forget about Military Spouse Appreciation Day until like a day or two beforehand. I don't know why, but I just can't seem to remember when it is. Probably because when I was a teacher, it also coincided with Teacher Appreciation week.... and I also think it's nurse's appreciation week? And did I see something about Firefighter's appreciation Day? I love my nurses and my firefighters... but seriously why do all three professions have the same appreciation week/day? Pick a different week - 52 of them in the year!

Anyway, I think this is why I always forget about MSAD. Oh and now that I'm a Momma, throw Mother's Day into the mix!

Anyway, I saw Janelle link up with Amanda at Somewhere Over the Camo and Jen at Marathons and Dogtags and I thought it would be fun to join in! I don't really have many followers yet because I just recently started over in blogging, so I'd love to connect with some new people! Be sure to check out my About me page for more info! :)

But in the meantime, here are the answers to the linkup:

//Tell us about yourself and your blog.

Well, I'm Katie and I used to blog at Going Coastal a few years ago. But I ended up making it private for various reasons. I missed blogging so much that I recently started this new little space! I have an almost-8-month old (next Wednesday!) His (internet) name is Max, and he's the best little baby boy ever. I've been married to my husband, Chris, for almost 7 years. We met in college and dated long distance for two years. He had already started his military career and I still had two more years of college. I am a teacher and I've taught Kinder, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. I have a bachelors in Early Childhood Education and a Masters of Education. This year I'm staying home with Max and it's a nice change! //What branch of military are you affiliated with?

Air Force! My husband is a captain and finishing up his 9th year already (time flies!)

//What is one thing you enjoy about the military lifestyle?

I actually am one of those people who actually enjoys moving around every three years or so. We started our marriage living Oklahoma. I really hated it at first, but I got used to it and made some friends and we made the best of it. But as much as I hated it at times, I always knew that we would be leaving at some point. Then we moved to California and we love it! And although we are sad that we're leaving this summer, I'm excited to venture off to our new adventure in Florida! I just think you can learn so much and grow and stretch yourself by being in different locations. At some point, I know I'll be thankful to settle down and live in our forever house, but right now, I'm okay with moving around a lot.

Can I add a second thing? Okay great.

I also like connecting with other military wives. I think that we automatically have a special bond because of the commonalities that we have. We know what it's like to go through deployments, TDY's, moving, etc. I like sharing stories and supporting each other. That's one of the reasons why I missed blogging so much! I love getting to know other military spouses through writing and comments and social media. //What advice would you give other spouses who are new?

Make the most of it! I don't consider myself an overly adventurous person (do not ever ask me to camp with you) but I do love exploring new places and trying new things. Since the military is going to send you to some random places, make the most of it! Take your time PCSing (these are some of our favorite memories), explore your new town or city and try new activities. It's not always easy, some places feel like there's nothing to do, but you can make the best of it if you try!

So there you go... a little more about me! Be sure to add my blog to your blog reading list and keep up with me! Thanks for stopping by! :)



Hi! I'm Katie. I'm a Momma and a wife and I like to write down my thoughts here. I have a constant goal of thriving (rather than just surviving) as I navigate  my way through my marriage and motherhood. I'm not always successful, but I'd love your company as I learn to

Navigate & Thrive! 

Catch up with me!

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