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Sleep Training

We are in the middle of sleep training Max again and I'm over it!

Back in November/December is when I first started sleep training him. We got him to sleep through the night at 11 weeks old (not consistently, but he at least KNEW how to do it.) Then we started working on naps. He had such a hard time staying asleep for more than 30 minutes (ugh sleep cycles.)

Finally, after some crying it out, I was able to get him to nap for two hour stretches (glorious!) He used to nap from 8-10am; 12-2pm and then another cat nap around 3:30 in his swing/carseat/stroller. Well, then in February he started boycotting the cat nap and wasn't staying asleep the full 2 hours. (I know I shouldn't complain, at least he was napping) but I knew he was overtired, so I needed to change his schedule.

So we started doing a 3-hr schedule. Awake for 1.5hrs, sleep for 1.5 hours. That worked fine for a few months, but now at 7 months, I think he's in need of a change again. He needs longer wake times.

My goal for him is 8:30-10:30 and 1-3. But right now, (day 3) he's only sleeping 1.5hrs at a time. Which I think I would be okay with for one of the naps, but come on baby - I need at least ONE 2-hr stretch in there! This might sounds crazy to Mommas with babies who don't sleep well. But Max DOES sleep well. He sleeps 12 hours at night, and with the exception of the first 2 months, has always slept pretty well for naps as well.

Anyway, that's what we're working on over here. To top it off, I'm getting the cold that Max has (caught last week - lovely) and all I want to do is take the 2-hour nap for him. We can do that right, just switch places?

I guess it's time to make his bottle and get him up - wish us luck for the afternoon nap!




Hi! I'm Katie. I'm a Momma and a wife and I like to write down my thoughts here. I have a constant goal of thriving (rather than just surviving) as I navigate  my way through my marriage and motherhood. I'm not always successful, but I'd love your company as I learn to

Navigate & Thrive! 

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