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Hello blogging world! I've missed you. I had to take a break, because life got busy and we had some privacy concerns, but I'm happy to be back! If you read Going Coastal (don't try to find it now, it's not there anymore) you will know that back in 2013/2014 I was coasting through life with my husband Chris. Well, fast forward a bit and now we have a baby! An adorable little boy. For privacy reasons, I'm probably not going to share too many (if any) pictures of him. But I plan on talking about him a lot. I mean, he's basically my whole life now.

Max (not his real name) was born in September 2015, and I chose not to go back to work as a kindergarten teacher, but decided to stay home. It's been very different, but I have to say, I love it. I actually don't miss teaching, surprisingly. I miss working with other adults, but I don't miss teaching.

So now that I've covered the basics, let's jump right in to my current thoughts, shall we?

1. We are visiting Seattle right now, and it's been great! Max did great on his first flight, and all things considered, he's doing really well with us being out and about all day, every day. He has missed naps like cray, and we are starting to feel the effects of that (whiney, crabby baby) but we'll be back on track next week! (I plan on blogging more about Seattle in the near future)

2. Little baby boy got a runny nose today, his first one ever! I feel badly, but I guess we did pretty good for the first 6 months. He's not really acting too sick, so I guess that's good. He's also got TWO teeth that are coming in. His little gummy smile is now a smile with two little white teeth. It's so adorable.

3. Since I'm now home during the day, I sometimes watch the Ellen DeGeneres Show which led me to start reading her most recent book Seriously...I'm Kidding. It was published in 2012, so yeah, I'm late to party on that, but it's actually pretty funny. But sometimes I wonder if comedians write about things are even partly true or if they completely make their material up. You know? Like do they use that situation in the airport and turn it into a funny joke, or have they actually never even been to said airport before? Let me know.

4. It's Saturday Night Burger and Shake night here. It's not actually a thing, as I am trying not to eat sugar and carbs on a regular basis. BUT since we are on vacation, that rule has completely gone out the window. I'm having a Hawaiian Burger and a PB Shake. Yum.

I suspect I will end up ending most of my posts with something like

"Oh dear. Max just woke up from his nap, gotta run."


"I think the baby is gnawing on the TV remote again so I should probably go attend to him."


"Thank goodness the husband just got home, now it's time to finally get that shower I've been waiting for all day. BYE!"

But today I shall just end my first post with a Haiku:

I started a blog.

The chicken ran up the hill.

Won't you please subscribe?



Hi! I'm Katie. I'm a Momma and a wife and I like to write down my thoughts here. I have a constant goal of thriving (rather than just surviving) as I navigate  my way through my marriage and motherhood. I'm not always successful, but I'd love your company as I learn to

Navigate & Thrive! 

Catch up with me!

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